01 December 2002

Another Year

Another year draws to a close. I will soon start my 11th year in prison. At this time each year I feel relief that an 'od' year is passing and tell myself the new year has to bring hope - bring good fortune.

For an innocent prisoner, prison is aweful at anytime, but at Christmas time, it is very difficult. I actually feel it is equally, if not more, painful for our loved ones at home.

Inside prison, we know our restrictions - the food we get, what we are limited to buy from prison canteen and even the times we will be locked up.

Outside, our families & friends are surrounded by the "trappings" of Christmas yet are reluctant to let their hair down. They feel bad if they enjoy themselves, they think of us when they eat good food. We are always in their minds and consequently, their lives, in part, are on hold too.

With any injustice, it is not just the prisoner who suffers, but their family and subsequently, friends. I cannot say enough first how all the support I receive does help - that, and my faith sustains me. I came across this text from Romans (12.12) "Be Joyful in Hope, patient in affliction, faithful in Prayer."

Thank you to everyone who sent me cards and to those who have signed the petition.

[ Handwritten originals - Page 1 | Page 2]