10 March 2006

Prison Fiddling Drugs Figures

This is a response I made after mojuk published a piece on how prisons fiddle their figures relating to how much time prisoners are allowed out of cells on a daily basis.

Prison fiddling not just confined to time out of cells

Prisons also 'fiddle' figures to hide the serious drug problems in their midst! All jails have a drug problem and rather than admit that, HMP cover it up. Much more help is needed within the prison environment to help those who are addicted in the hope that addiction can be lessened whilst in custody and therefore reduce the risk of re-offending on release.

I have never used drugs but it was prisoners like me who would be regularly subjected to Mandatory Drug Testing (M.D.T) by prison staff in order to give the much needed negative results which then allowed the prison to show in their statistics that there was not a drug problem.

In 1995 the then Home Secretary, Michael Howard introduced M.D.T into the prison system. Prisoners were taken for urine samples which in turn are checked for the presence of drugs. I saw women who had only previously used cannabis in a 'spliff' begin to use heroin and even inject! I wrote letters to many including Michael Howard whilst in jail telling him he actually created a worse problem re drugs in prison?

He helped to turn some into junkies through the M.D.T system because those who needed a 'fix' soon realised that cannabis stays in the system for 28 days whereas heroin can be flushed out in 2 or 3 days. So to avoid getting a positive drug test and thus losing privileges the women switched to heroin which is I believe far more addictive and far more harmful? Hence the authorities wanting negative samples to allow their stats to hide the problem!

Sue May

More as I get it


Blogger differentflags said...

Hello, I like your diary entries. Very powerful stuff. Eugenia Renskoff

4:49 pm  

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