26 February 2008

Good news for Eddie Gilfoyle

A good friend of mine, Eddie Gilfoyle, has like me been fighting to prove his innocence for the past 16 years. In The Times newspaper 25 February was an excellent article by Dominic Kennedy reporting on the fact that an expert for the Prosecution at Eddie's trial in 1993 - whose evidence helped convict Eddie - now admits he got it wrong! Normally
I would be saying shame on Professor Cantor, but quite frankly I have to give respect to him for speaking out and admitting his trial evidence was wrong. If only more experts would follow suit and admit they went beyond their remit and unfairly placed unproven evidence before the Court which aided the Prosecution!


Blogger Alan said...

Great news for someone from my "homeland" of the Wirral. I just wonder if it will be sufficient to overturn the conviction : it seems so hard to achieve.

One has to respect the guy's honesty and humility to admit a mistake : something which seems very rare amongst those involved in such prosecutions.

7:41 pm  
Blogger Alan said...

There was an article on the BBC website today, 2/3/2008 : Wife killer 'innocent' - ex-chief.

5:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn't it strange, how things happen in patterns? Recently we've had a spate of convictions for horrendous murders, leading some to call for the reintroduction of hanging, etc.

So, it's odds-on that we'll shortly get some quashings of equally as disgraceful miscarriages of justice to correct the balance. Eddie Gilfoyle's could be one of them - and Susan's another.

7:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As Alan points out it is never cut and dried when one goes to Appeal - but with the wealth of defence evidence coming forward now I would certainly hope Eddie will be totally cleared? Of course he has still to wait for the slow clogs of 'justice' to wind on before he reaches the Court of Appeal - I would like to see his case expedited quickly to put an end to his Injustice!

2:21 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The anonymous comment was from me Susan - not sure why I became 'anonymous'?

2:24 pm  

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